Grey Wolf Jiu Jitsu Bergamo - BJJ

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Accademy.

Free Week - BJJ
Fondamental Values
Code of Conduct
Grey Wolf Jiu Jitsu Bergamo Accademy
Grey Wolf Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - BJJ
Self Defence
Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - BJJ
doesn't only a sport


This year we decided to start to have fun and relax at the farmhouse GRIPPI and make 4 days of healthy BJJ with a dip at the end of the day in this beautiful pool.
The period will be from Thursday, May 25 to Sunday, May 28, 2023.
I am waiting for an answer from the farm, I will keep you updated!

- Two swimming pools set in a vast lawn surrounded by a field of vineyards
- Two workouts per day designed to experience jiu-jitsu as professionals
- Guaranteed entertainment with our bjj, and not only

Below is an indication of prices:

Prices only Bjj session:

- 4 days 120 €
- 3 days 105 €
- 1 or 2 days 40 € for each day

Price for room:

- Triple room from 25/05 to 28/05: €564 breakfast included

- Four-bed room from 25/05 to 28/05: €510 breakfast included

Send me your reservations as soon as possible because from early June begins the summer season and I would not want to be sold out.


News Grey Wolf Jiu Jitsu Bergamo - BJJ

Free BJJ Week

22 September 2020

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-10835986695'); @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .wdform-field-section-break { max-width: 220px !important; } .wdform_page { padding: 0 !important; }...

Bergamo TV - Profile

17 October 2021
Bergamo TV - Profile

Bergamo TV's Profili broadcast talks about Massimiliano Sbergia, Gray Wolf and his Brasiian Jiu Jitsu Parte 1 Parte 2

RTL 102.5 - Massimiliano Sbergia & BJJ with BOPE

17 October 2021
RTL 102.5 - Massimiliano Sbergia & BJJ with BOPE

RTL 102.5 - Massimiliano Sbergia e il BJJ col BOPE

Camp Bjj

08 February 2022
Camp Bjj

CAMP - BJJ - FARMHOUSE GRIPPI This year we decided to start to have fun and relax at the farmhouse GRIPPI and make 4 days of healthy BJJ with a...


+39 3938156099
Grey Wolf Jiu Jitsu Academy Bergamo

Primary School, Via Borghetto 41

Torre Boldone 24040
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